United Kingdom Chinese Education Foundation
Charity Number: 1138961
鍾榮彬:(Raymond Chung)出生於廣東省深圳市大鵬鎮,1956年和弟弟跟祖母到香港与父母一起生活、高中畢業,英國國籍、金鐘酒楼董事、1969年到荷兰、1971年参加旅荷华侨联合会为委员、1978年到来英国Preston、开办嘉顿酒楼、1983年与弟弟开办金钟酒楼、 1981年至1994年先後創辦三所中文學校,1992年創辦柏德斯頓及鄰區華聯會;一直擔任會長一職;蘭開夏中文學校創辦人兼校監:1999年榮獲中國國務院僑務辦公室授予海外優秀華教工作者稱號:2005創辦英國華文教育基金會任會長職務;英國蘭開夏郡中華總商會會長;廣東省海外交流協會理事;1992年参加英國華人社團聯合總會、1996年被选为副会长、1998年被选为首席副会长、现在任執委。1993年成立英国中文教育促进会创办人之一、任職财政、公关及副会长。全英華人華僑中國統一促進會副會長;塔門海外同鄉會會務顧問:英國曼城華人社團聯合會名譽會長:英國共和協會名譽會長:吉林省海外交流協會海外常務理事;河南省海外交流協會海外常务理事;廣西省梧州市榮譽市民,河北省歸國華僑聯合會顧問;西北區華人協會副會長;清遠市人民對外友好協會理事;深圳市福田區歸國華僑聯誼會名譽會長。廣州市海珠區少年宮名譽顧問;廣東新會少年宮榮譽顧問;青海省人民对外友好协会海外理事;吉林省吉林市人民对外友好协会海外理事: 广东省深圳市海外交流协会理事:青海西宁市人民对外友好协会海外理事、
在1985开始为了使当地华人华侨融入主流社会、促进中英两地人民的友谊、经贸、文化交流、与当地政府举办庆祝每年中国新年活动、1992年成立Preston华人会組織参加Preston Guild活动 、每年都为Preston市市长基金慈善筹款、为当地弱智兒童醫院筹款:1993年为中国深圳市龙岗区大鹏镇筹款建大鹏医院、1995年为广东省清远市筹款兴建理工学校、为中国希望工程筹款、华東、华南水災筹款、四川地震筹款救災、为青海省玉树地震筹款救災、2005年創办英国华文教育基金会、支持英国中文学校华文教育工作、邀请中国各省、各地政府有关机构人员到来英国考察访问、邀请中国各省各地大学到来Lancashire参观兰开夏大学、教育文化交流、促成他们建立友好合作伙伴(有吉林市北华大学、重庆市大学、青海省大学)拜访Lancashire County Council 、Preston City Council促成他们经贸、科技合作、2009年及2010年邀请青海省政府人员到来英国访问、考察访问Preston医院、大学、2011年促成青海省西宁市与英国兰开夏郡Preston市结为友好城市、
每年中国新年邀请中国各地少年宫青少年到来Preston Lancashire 歌舞、藝术表演、参观当地主流学校、与当地青少年一起学习交流建立友谊、使他们对英囯文化深入了解、以便日后他来英囯就读时有所认识、等意义工作。
1999年及2007年得到英女皇邀请参加Buckingham Palace Garden Party
Raymond Chung was born in Dapeng of Shenzhen, Guangdong Province and obtained high school diploma. He holds British nationality and is the member of the board of Great Time Restaurant. Raymond came to Preston in 1978 and set up JIADUN Restaurant; set up Great Time Restaurant with brother in 1983;chairman of the board of ADMIRALT.U.LTD;set up three Chinese Schools between 1981 and 1990; established Preston and District Chinese Community Association and has been the president since then; founder and school superintendent of Lancashire Chinese School; established UK Chinese Education Foundation (Registered Charity No: 1138961)and became the president in 2005; president of UK Lancashire Chinese General Chamber of Commerce; director of Guangdong Province Overseas Exchange Association; executive member of Confederation of Chinese Associations; vice president of UK Chinese Council For the Promotion of Unification of China; consultant of Tap Mun Overseas Community Association; Honorary president of Manchester Chinese Community Association; honorary president of Kung Ho Association; Administrator Overseas Exchange Association of Jilin Province Administrator of Henan Province Overseas Exchange Association; honorary citizen of Wuzhou, Guangxi; Consultant of Hebei Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese; vice president of North West Chinese Association; Administrator of Qingyuan Over seas Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries; honorary president of Shenzhen Futian Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese; honorary consultant of Guangzhou Haizhu Children’s Palace; honorary consultant of Guangdong Xinhui Children’s Palace; was awarded the Excellent Overseas Chinese Education Promoter by Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council of China in 1999; Administrator overseas People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries of Qinghai Province. Advisor. overseas Association for Friendship Association of Jilin City of Jilin Province: Administrator Overseas Exchange Association Shenzhen City of Guangdong Province
As of 1985, in order to integrate Chinese community into mainstream society and promote friendship, trade and cultural exchange, Raymond has managed to cooperate with local government to celebrate Chinese New Year; to set up Preston Chinese society to participate in activities organized by Preston Council in 1992; to fundraise for Preston Mayor funds; to fundraise for setting up hospitals in Dapeng, Shenzhen in 1993; to fundraise for setting up polytechnical institute in Qingyuan, Guangdong in 1995; to donate money to the China Hope Project; to fundraise for earthquake relief in Sichuan; to fundraise for earthquake relief in Yushu, Qinghai; to establish UK Chinese Education Foundation in 2005; to support Chinese education in UK Chinese Schools; to invite people from all over China to visit UK; to invite people from Chinese universities to visit UCLan so as to promote education and cultural exchange, to promote establishing partnership between them (such as, Beihua University,
Chongqing University, Qinghai University). I also visited Lancashire County council and Preston county council to boost its cooperation between each other.
Every Chinese New Year, Raymond invites representatives of children’s palaces from all over China to perform in Preston, visit major local schools and make friends with local youngsters. These kinds of activities make them know more about British culture and also gave the foundations of the fundraising events in the future.
In June 2007 and July 2010, European Seminars on Chinese Education were held in Manchester and received congratulatory letters from Her Majesty the Queen.
In 1999 and 2007 Raymond received invitations for Buckingham Palace Garden Party from the Queen.