英 國 華 文 教 育 基 金 會
赫特斯菲華人社區中心 Huddersfield Chinese Community Centre School
百福中文學校 Bedfordshire Chinese School
波茅斯中文學校 Bournemouth Chinese School
里斯特中文學校 Leicester Chinese School
利茲華人中文學校 Leeds Chinese Community School
倫敦格林威治中文學校 Greenwich Chinese Community School
偉盧華人協會中文學校 W.C.A. Chinese School
雷汙中文學校 Reading Chinese School
打比中文學校 Derby Chinese School
雪埠中文學校 Sheffield & District Chinese School
格拉斯哥華人教會中文學校 Glasgow Chinese Christian Church Chinese School
夏靈基華人學校 Haringey Chinese School
曼城僑聯社華人子弟學校 Northwest Chinese Language Centre
利物浦華人福音教會中文班 Liverpool Chinese Gospel Church Chinese School
愛丁堡中文學校 Edinburgh Chinese School
曼徹斯特華人基督教會主日學 Manchester Chinese Christian Sunday School
杜倫中文學校 Durham Chinese School
林拔芙中文學校 Lambeth Chinese Community Association Chinese School
快富中文學校 Fife Chinese School
高雲地利中文學校 Coventry & Warwickshire Chinese School
旅歐吉澳同鄉會中文學校 Kut-O Chinese Association Social Club & School
得利中文學校 Dudley Chinese School
伯明翰中文學校 The Birmingham Chinese School
英國西南區中文學校 Chinese Sunday Language School (S.W. Region)
曼城文化中心 Chinese Education Cultural Centre Chinese School
北愛中文學校 Chinese Language School N. I.
英國共和協會中文學校 Kung Ho Association Chinese School
史雲頓中文學校 Swindon Chinese School
樸茨茅斯中文學校 Portsmouth Chinese Association Sunday School
優詩頓中文學校 Euton Chinese School
依斯特本華人協會中文學校 Eastbourne District Chinese Community Association School
新堡市中文學校 Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Chinese School
德康中文學校 Dacorum Chinese School
倫敦中華基督教會凱敦中文學校 CCIL Croydon Chinese School
利特浦華聲社中文學校 Wah Sing Chinese School Liverpool
曼城華人之家學校 Manchester Chinese Centre School
蘭開夏中文學校 Lancashire Chinese School
哈勞中文學校 Harlow Chinese School
北威爾斯華人子弟學校 North Wales Chinese School
華聯社中文學校 Overseas Chinese Association School
窩咸科域士華人中心中文學校 Waltham Forest Chinese Association Sunday Chinese School
倫敦哈勞中文學校 Harrow Chinese School
和景中文學校 Woking Chinese School
謝菲爾德星星中文學校 Sheffield Star Mandarin School
倫敦普通話簡體字學校 London Mandarin School
紐卡斯爾通話簡中文學校 Newcastle Mandarin Chinese School
華夏中文學校 Hua Xia Chinese School
英華中文學校 Parent Association of Chinese School in Greenwich
英國華夏文化協會中文教育俱樂部 UCCA Chinese Learning Club
順德中心學校 Tower Hamlets Chinese School
鄧迪中文及藝術學校 Dundee Chinese Art & Culture School
彼得堡中文學校 Peterborough Chinese School
曼城佛光中文學校 Manchester Budda’s Light Sunday Chinese School
英倫東部華人會所中文國學校 East England Chinese Association School
英國華商總會中文學校 Chinese Chamber of Commerce UK Chinese School
南安普頓中文學校 Southampton Chinese School
夏福郡中文學校 Hertfordshire Chinese School
班比利中文班 Banbury School Chinese Class
華生中文學校 Worthing Chinese SchoolCharity Number: 1138961